
Herbs For Weight Loss

Yeap, my weight is going down, slowly but steady.
I am still craving lots of sweets, mainly because I am close to my period and that’s what body wants. I won’t eat it though.
Have I told you that I have been studying Natural Health for the past 10 years?!
Last year I actually got my diploma from Clayton College after 5 years of academics.
It has been a very interesting journey, with a lot of discoveries.
I’ve been using a lot of what I learnt with my family and we really cut down visits to the doctor’s office.
I don’t need to say that I only use them for referrals, do I?!
Well, I would like to share with you a few herbs that I know would help a weight loss diet and will be part of my present project (loose 15 pounds)

PLANTAIN – mucilage in the diet dramatically reduces cholesterol levels (the bad one), while not affecting (decreasing) the good cholesterol.

FENNEL SEED – used as dietary aid as far back as the first century. It does not affect weight loss directly, other that smoothing, mildly stimulating properties, aiding digestive system

BURDOCK ROOT – a help to clean the blood of toxins during the weight loss program. It enhances gall/bile functions.

HAWTHORN BERRY – heart aid, due to demands when overweight. Reduces coronary stress induced by weight and by exercise.

– two of the best weigh reduction plants available.
Kelp maintains a healthy thyroid, lowers bad cholesterol.

And, a little Brazilian secret:

CARQUEJA – Carqueja has been used by Indigenous People for centuries for stamina as well as for fertility in women and virility in men. From a therapeutic standpoint, Carqueja has been used for a wide variety of ailments pertaining to the digestive system for which it is considered rather effective, promoting good digestion, supporting good liver function and helping maintain good blood cleansing.

Just a quick note, please don’t go take them without talking to a Naturopath! These are herbs, but you still need caution using them.
If you are in Kingston, Ontario and need a few Naturopath’s names suggestions, drop me a message.

Be in Health!

Information taken partially from The Scientific Validaton of Herbal Medicine by Daniel Mowrey

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