
Inspiration Board – Finally Done!

I finished it! I took me only one hour.

The whole process is very simple. It is just a matter of having the material available.
I had the canvas sitting behind my door and looking for a project.
The fabric, I salvaged from a thrift store. I actually bought thinking on using it for x-mas, but now it is just a piece of fabric.
The lace a had from previous yard sales finds.

The pieces I added to the board are things that I handle everyday and for some reason give me a very good vibe.
The beautiful lady is my grandmother, she was such an elegant woman with a beautiful voice. I like to think she is somewhere singing and happy!

Pearls, baby-hats, laces, buttons, hearts…a lot of inspiration there!

I want to see yours, please send me the links.

All images copyrights to Babi Sugarman 2021, please ask first before borrowing any of them. Created by Dream-Theme — premium wordpress themes.